Saturday, 8 March 2008

Love Is NOT A Fallacy.

So, I was just reading this short story by Max Shulman, entitled Love Is A Fallacy, for English period. We're supposed to discuss this passage after the holidays, but I just thought it would be better to just let out everything that's been going through my mind as well. It's also partly due to the fact that the title kind of pissed me off.

First off, what is a fallacy? According to, it's a deceptive, misleading, or false notion or belief. For example, saying that the world is flat, THAT'S a fallacy.

Basically, the dumbass in the story ultimately comes down to that particular conclusion. And why? Because he was too much of a logical analyst, I suppose.

Now, most of you may be scratching your heads, wondering what the hell I'm talking about. Surely a left-brained person, with more cerebral and practical thinking patterns would come to something that made more sense? No, not necessarily. In fact, it's more likely that the more you try to think rationally, more systematically, making everything more computerised...the more it starts to make less and less sense.

Let me explain. Normally, as human beings, it is ingrained in us the tendency to want to make order out of chaos, to organise. It's one of the instincts made special for us homo sapiens. Heck, even within us, there are several systems set for us to regain an enviroment of normality. I'm talking about the process of homeoestasis. Without this system of constant maintenance, choas would ensue, followed by near certain death. It's the same thing with out obsession to keep things in line. It just goes against our most basic natures, what evolution has carved out for us.

But being people, being human souls, that just takes it to a whole new different dimension. We are probably the only species on Earth that have within us the gift of compassion; that is, the ability to sympathise with other creatures. It is this, combined with all the emotions given to any living person that separates us from the other beasts. It is the stuff that drives us to do the most remarkable acts of heroism, compassion...and yes, remarkable acts of love as well. We are not merely black and white; rather, a spectrum of colours in between. And that is why sometimes, things seem a whole lot simpler if we just listened to our hearts.

So how the hell can anyone come up to you and say,"Hey, all this talk about love is just fricken' bullshit." Hell, I'd go up to that person, smack him upside the face and tell him to go back to his mom and tell her how much she means to him. Love is about as real as it can get. Sure, there's about a bajillion different meanings for this quirky little four-letter word, and you can't really put a finger on it, but each and every one of us have a bit of it ingrained in us, ticking and beating along to the rhythms of our heart. It's as real as you and me. And if you still insist on love being a fallacy, heck. This whole goddamn WORLD is fucking fake.

And why do I believe so whole-heartedly in this, you ask?

Because, judging by the circumstances coming my way and weighing the reasons for it all, I think I'm slowly falling in love myself.